Roxy Gordon Crazy Horse is Alive ( Official Audio)
Roxy Gordons Crazy Horse Never Died is out on May 12, 2023 on Paradise of Bachelors. Buy from artist, label (LP, CD, digital): Buy, stream elsewhere: Arrestingly singular and deeply moving, this 1988 album by Choctaw, Assiniboine, and Texan poet, journalist, artist, activist, and musician Roxy Gordon (First Coyote Boy) (19452000)whose long outofprint work has been acclaimed by friends such as Townes Van Zandt, Leonard Cohen, and Terry Allensets his coldblooded, bonelean reflections on the complexities and contradictions of American Indian (and American) history and identity to atmospheric, synthdamaged countryrock that skirts ambient textures and postpunk deconstructions. Roxy Gordon is a brother of mine. I dont like the word poet; it is usually used too lightly. Roxy, however, is a real one. God bless him and the buffalo he rode in on. Townes Van Zandt His work is strong. The word goes out. Can a cha