Trolls 3 Jon Magram Storyboards Brozone Training (pitch video)
Here s the Brozone Training sequence I did for Trolls 3. The launch for this was pretty openended. I dont think there was a script, or even an outline, so I believe all the writing is mine story artists should be credited and paid for any and all writing they do). Anyway, as usually happens with me, once I found the right song, everything in the sequence kind of clicked into place. I dont know if building a whole sequence around a specific song of my choosing is the most efficient, useful thing to present the team with, but thats usually how I do it, for better or worse. It helps me to capture the tone and attitude of the sequence, and I personally think it can serve as kind of a north star for whatevers ultimately done. Although, it wasnt long before this whole sequence was cut, so guess it didnt matter either way Thats the way it goes. SONG: Ol Glory by JJ Grey Mofro