Harrow Rail Crash (1952)
Harrow Wealdstone, London. GV. Pan of wrecked engine and wreckage around platforms following rail 7ft for super title). SV. Men clearing track pan up to rescuers working amongst wreckage. CU. Workman using cutting torch. GV. Americans soldiers working amongst wreckage. SV. American sergeant, with medical supplies. CU. Two bottles of Blood Plasma. SV. Americans preparing and shaking bottles of plasma. GV. Rescuers working amongst wreck, crane lifting roof of wrecked carriage in foreground. SV. Man throwing down girder from overturned engine. GV. Workers amongst wreckage. SV. Housewife preparing bandage and young nurse talking to American soldier. SV. Man trying to release trapped person from wreckage. SV. Nurses preparing bandages etc. CU. Woman tearing up sheet for bandages. CU. Red Cross nurse rolling up bandage. SV. Nurses folding blankets. SV. Woman arriving with two jugs of tea. LV. Rescuers pulling away side of coach. SV. Alan LennoxBoyd, Minister of Transport with Chief Regional Offic