Wild Privateers An Underground Tribute to Running Wild ( Teaser)
JOIN THE CAPTAINS CREW With the sounds of the wild raging sea, battering rain and the smell of gunpowder, we are proud to announce our special Running Wild tribute album Wild Privateers is an all underground tribute release dedicated to inventors of pirate metal, the powerful German band and its captain, delivering pieces of 8 exclusive cover recordings of classic and surprising Running Wild songs. With this underground tribute album, we aim to rally the forces of maniacs who do not only love Running Wild but also enjoy their music in the format which is popular in the underground scene. The following privateers are on board of this Running Wild (wor)ship: A side: BLIZZARD HUNTER Blazon Stone LYCANTHRO Port Royal SILVERBONES Into the West BLACKCHEST The Phantom of Blackhand Hill B side: INVICTUS Riding the Storm BLAZON STONE The Hussar STEELBALLS Lions of the Sea THUNDERSSON Me the Boys All songs are originally written by Rolf Kasparek, recorded and performed by Running Wild.