What Is Spirituality
We are constantly interacting with the world outside of us, constantly absorbing an enormous amount of data. Our brain can actually interpret only a minuscule speck of that information, meaning we have actually no idea about the true reality in which we exist. We live within the very tiny capsule that we can digest. Spiritual reality is something that is beyond this small capsule. Spiritual reality is something we suspect exists out there, but we cant actually perceive it with our five senses, as tangibly as we perceive through them. . We can develop an additional sense that can enable us to interact with this spiritual reality. And there are those who have actually acquired such a sense, describing spirituality as the opposite of the world we know, fulfilled with absolute, infinite, eternal pleasure, compared to the limited, fleeting pleasures of our present reality. Subscribe to the Kabbalahinfo YouTube channel: Take the Free KabU Course to Find True Ans