A video for our waifu Nightmare, I ve had Nightmare on M3 for a quite some time now, just I didn t have the time to do a video on her, sorry about that The Doctor is undergoing some heavy changes hence the delay on videos. Note CC is also coming relatively soon so hopefully everyone on Global is prepared. Second stage I did close to 50+ attempts, I would need increase my nightmare s potential by 1 if I wanted to reattempt it again, or wait until the buffs from CN arrives For those who is not aware of what Nightmare does, her second skill inflicts Nightmare effect on her foes up to 5 targets, and slowers thier movement speed by 60, while dealing true damage for 10 seconds based on the distance moved. Her S2 is fully maxed in the video Combined that with Manticore s Slow and Mostima s Talent (Slow again + Shorter downtime on S2) Profit. Note I went for the Slow Build for the Memes :) I have some leftovers of Nightmares animations that I don t think I am ever going to use, you can call these prototy