Learn Finger Painting on the Phone Realistic Drawing of Keanu Reeves
Did you know that using yoru finger works well in making great drawings on your phone In this drawing of a the famous movie actor Keanu Reeves, we are going to use our finger and the Paintology drawing app to make the drawing. Here is the link to the full livestream tutorial that you can follow along to. . You wll agree that with a little effort this drawing can even look photo realistic. We use the trace mode of drawing with Paintology, which greatly improves your understanding of tones, shapes and form as well as your drawing strokes. This is a great learning tool to become comfortable with drawing and embark you on a great rewarding journey of drawing and painting. I use the line brush only of the Paintology app available from the Google playstore. The line brush is an excellent brush and it has properties and behavior just like pencil and paper. When you use the opacity settings of the brush, you will be able to ble