The Royal Dutch Cocaine Factory ( English Subtitles)
The MC Ma at album The Insurrection is online 19 tracks, grab it here SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE. The Dutch Cocaine Factory was established in the year 1900 by the Dutch royal family the House of Orange, through their colonial bank called Netherlands Trading Society. After having already established the trade in opium from the Dutch colony of Indonesia (Dutch East Indies), the Dutch Cocaine Factory dominated the international cocaine market until World War II, when the factory switched its production to amphetamines (speed). Both in World War I and World War II the Dutch Cocaine Factory sold cocaine and later amphetamines to armies of the nations at war. This video includes interviews with the Dutch author Conny Braam, who wrote The Merchant of the Dutch Cocaine Factory, (Dutch: De Handelsreiziger van de Nederlandsche Cocainefabriek ) This video is meant to give an insight into how the royal families of Europe have inherently been connected