Mr. Youngs Delight
Mr. Young s Delight is an English Country Dance first found in Playford s Dancing Master of 1695. It was interpreted by Fried de Metz Herman in 1995 ). It is a proper duple minor longways dance. Playford writes: All four hands half found, then fall back and turn round from each other another S. then the 1. man cross over with the 2. wo. and the 1. wo with the 2. man. This to the first Strain play d once Fall all back, then meet and turn back to back, and then take all hands and turn half found; then the 1. cu. lead down and back again, and the 2. cu. lead up and back again, then turn your partners in their proper places. I have made a small alteration to Fried s instructions, at the end of B2 she has a two hand turn half followed by a turn single, but Playford just says turn to proper, so I have changed this to a two hand turn once and a half. Men are drawn as rectangles, women as ellipses.