Fallout 76 Steel Reign ( Developer Gameplay)
In our newest Dev Dive video, members of the Fallout 76 development team give us the inside scoop on the Steel Reign update coming July 7. After swarms of Super Mutants start to appear and people are reported missing, how will you guide the Brotherhood Will you take the side of justice or will you remain committed to duty The Steel Reign update includes: New Questline Choose what direction the Brotherhood of Steel will take and solve the mysteries behind the appearance of the Super Mutants New Locations and Gear Unlock unique gear and explore new locations as you uncover what s been happening in Appalachia Season 5 Scoreboard K. D. Inkwell is back in Escape from the 42nd Century Rank up to unlock new rewards including items, cosmetics, and more. Beginning July 7. Legendary Upgrades Put those Legendary Modules to work and create your own 1, 2, 3star legendary items, right from the comfort of your own Follow us on the follow