Aussi comme unicorne sui, Thibaut de Champagne, TENET Vocal Artists
Aussi comme unicorne sui by Thibaut de Champagne Thibaut de Champagne The Sounds of Time: Songs of the Trouvères October 9, 2015 St. Malachys The Actors Chapel, NYC Virginia Warnken, alto Robert Mealy, vielle Debra Nagy, winds Charlie Weaver, medieval lute Jolle Greenleaf, artistic director Robert Mealy, guest director English translation: I am like the unicorn whom contemplation stuns as he gazes at the maiden. He is so elated and unnerved that he falls fainting in her lap; then he is traitorously slain. I have been killed in the same way, truly, by love and my lady; they have my heart, and I cant have it back. My lady, when I stood before you and saw you for the first time, my heart went leaping so that it stayed with you when I took my leave. Then it was led, an unransomed captive, into the precious prison whose columns are made of desire, whose gates are of beautiful sight, a