Grace Kelly, A David Tennant Tribute
, fanvidfeed, davidtennant, gracekelly, mika, doctorwho, thetenthdoctor, goodomens, crowley, hamlet, broadchurch, alechardy, takinovertheasylum, campbellbain, jessicajones, kilgrave Ive gone identity mad A couple of months ago I thought you know what would be fun If I could find a song that perfectly captures the vibe of all of David Tennants characters at once and make an edit with it. And considering this delightfully angsty and camp pop classic already has edits on Youtube with at least three of them individually, Grace Kelly was clearly the perfect choice I originally wanted to release this alongside my video essay but just couldnt find the time, and Im so happy I could get it out as a Christmas present to you guys now. Media Used (in order): Doctor Who (2005) Good Omens Casanova Broadchurch Blackpool Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Fright Night The Decoy Bride Takin Over the Asylum Jessica Jones Einstein an