David N. Johnson TRUMPET TUNE in C major
Kirill Jankowsky plays: David N. Johnson Trumpet Tune in Cmajor the most majestic and wellknown THE RETURNAL of legendary, iconic Eule Organ From my recent recordingsession from July 2022 Take a look at my new style Mesmerizing perfection Just listen how perfectly sounds american baroque stylizations on this instrument Former cinema old building. The best accoustical concert hall in Russia for organ sound. Reverberation in empty hall is about 2. 5 sec This organ is not big 37 stops on two manuals and small additional III Brustwerk. Also it has some nice features like xylophone and celeste available on II and III, Swebung on Swell, wind pressure regulator, Swell lever for assistants. 10000 comb. Zetzer. A little bit tough (pushing out the fingers)when II is coupled to I, with strident attack of loud reeds from Gt and Ped, but absolutely heavenly intonated Oboe and all 8 on Sw. At this organ a perfect baroque phrasing and articulation is easily reachable