Why Win Win Negotiations Are Good For Business
Make it your GOAL to negotiate a winwin deal. Winwin negotiations are a tool that can benefit both parties who are negotiating while also increasing confidence and loyalty in the party you are negotiating. Winwin negotiations are good for your business for several reasons. First, when a customer walks away happy and feels like they got what they wanted out of the negotiation process, theyre likely to do future business with you. This can increase your repeat or returning business. Many studies have shown it is cheaper to obtain repeat business than to gain a new client. Theyre also good for business because customer reviews and word of mouth can also help you to gain new clients. When a person is satisfied with your business, theyll go online or tell their friends and family about your business. This can further increase your business without you having to do any type of advertising. Prepare an invaluable offer your counterpart can t refuse wi