Avi Yemeni confesses to killing Palestinians on the Gaza Strip. Rebel News Staged Event IDF Soldier
Avi Yemeni confesses to killing Palestinians on the Gaza Strip. Rebel News Staged Event, IDF Soldier Avi Yemeni has travelled to Israel filming a series of staged events, psychological operations on behalf of Mossad and Rebel News Media. Hes calling it the truth about the war and created a website of the same name. As you can expect, his reporting has been extremely biased towards the Zionist State of Israel. Avi Yemeni celebrates the fact hes killed Palestinian children while serving in the Israeli Defence Force (sniper) Avi Yemeni said Id do it again Avi Yemeni claims to be the worlds proudest Jewish Nazi. Avi Yemeni is trying to manipulate the Australian freedom movement (he has hundreds of thousands of followers when you combine his social media platforms so its say to say hes an asset to the government) into siding with the nation state of Israel, but fortunately people are starting to wake up to his wicked ways. , freepalestine , choppingboardambassodor