When Tommy Returns To Russia In HOI4
After a long hiatus from HOI4 Multiplayer and especially HOI4 Roleplay, the Tsar is finally back and he is going to be playing a country we haven t seen in ages on the TommyKay Yes that s right, it s the return of TommyKay Russia aka TommyKay Soviet Union Yes sir We re back to HOI4 Multiplayer Roleplay and we re back to Tommy playing majors in Hearts of Iron 4 Man it s such a good day, isn t I m so happy that we don t have to see minors anymore, they are so boring compared to majors such as Germany, Russia, Japan and Italy. The self proclaimed Best HOI4 Player will be having an absolutely amazing game where he will try to proclaim an enormous Russian Empire while also having some professional diplomacy in roleplay. This was a very fun Hearts of Iron 4 game to watch and edit and I think you all will enjoy this one This is what happens when Tommy joins a multiplayer game as Russia. This is when Tommy plays the S