THIS. IS. SPATA Binaural ASMR Spa Role Play With Cupping Therapy, Facial, Steam, And Massage
Hiya Welcome to my 300th ASMR video In it, you will be receiving a relaxing treatment package from It features Cupping Therapy, Rotary Brush, Steam, Mist Facial, Vibrating Head Massage that you can feel through your headphones, Ear Massage and Tapping, Up Close Personal Attention, Soft Speaking, and Spray Sounds. Thank you all for allowing me to make 300 videos for you. It has been the greatest joy in my life. Happy Viewing PS. I am not a doctor or licensed professional in anything you see me doing in my role plays. Consult real experts and doctors before you consider doing any of this stuff. I am just a girl playing pretend to help people sleep and tingle. :) Subscribe to my channel for more ASMR, relaxation, and all around feel good goodness My Patreon page helps keep this channel going with supplies, props, software, equipment, and time. Every bit of support is extremely appreciated. Here is the link for those interested in he