Andrew Garfield Lin Manuel Miranda Break Down tick, Party Scene, Vanity Fair
In this episode of Notes on a Scene, Andrew Garfield and tick, director LinManuel Miranda break down the scene where Jon (Garfield) gets the party started with an impromptu a capella performance of Boho LinManuel shares the odd connection him and Andrew shared in a mutual massage therapist that coupled the two of them together for this film. tick, is in theaters November 12, 2021 and on Netflix November 19, 2021, Still havent subscribed to Vanity Fair on YouTube Want to stay in the know Subscribe to Vanity Fair Magazine and be exquisitely informed ABOUT VANITY FAIR Arts and entertainment, business and media, politics, and world affairsVanity Fairs features and exclusive videos capture the people, places, and ideas that define modern culture. Andrew Garfield LinManuel Mira