How to: Silky Lace Beaded Bracelet Tutorial
Sign Up to Beads to Live By HERE: Hey everyone Its Gina from In this video I will show you how to make a beaded bracelet using the Silky Beads and 11, 0 Round Seed Beads from the recent beadstoliveby9041 subscription packages Please see below for the full list of materials: Materials List (approx. 7. 25 7. 5 Bracelet) 11 Czech Glass TwoHole Silky Beads 20 4mm Fire Polished Faceted Rounds 11, 0 Round Seed Beads color A 5g, color B 2g Beading Thread Fireline Beading Needle, Size 11 2 Wire Guards (45mm) 2 Jump Rings 1 Toggle Clasp https