State Duma deputy Matveychev blamed the Americans for the growing number of divorces in Russia
State Duma deputy Matveychev blamed the Americans for the growing number of divorces in Russia: When I see today how a huge number of infogypsies seem to be all cloned from the same barrel with the words manipulation, toxicity, abuse, gaslighting, narcissist brainwashing our women, I am absolutely not surprised, that 80 of divorces initiated by women are happening now, because both in my environment and everywhere I see these cases precisely after becoming acquainted with infogypsy psychology. Suddenly, all of a sudden, the entire world psychology fits into these five words gaslighting, toxicity, and so on. We see that these are English terms, it is clear where it all comes from from America, from England, all this brainwashing. Unfortunately the good man doesn t realize that the entire Russian entertainment industry is a clone copy of holywood, there is not a single series or movie in Russian TV where families exist, exclusively single moms and dads with one pet like Source: Russian Head t. me, russianhead