America At War First Scenes Mute Version (1941)
Full title reads: AMERICA AT WAR First Scenes. United States of America (USA). Various shots of Mr Nomura, Japanese Ambassador in the USA, and Japanese diplomat Mr Kurusu, being mobbed by the press in Washington. Crowds around the White House. Mr Cordell Hull, US Secretary of State for War, arriving to White House. Close up shot of headlines in the newspapers Japanese declare war etc. Air to air shots of the bombs being dropped from Japanese aircraft. Close up shot of a map of Pacific Isles with arrows pointing at Pearl Harbour. Long shot of peaceful Pearl Harbour prior to attack. Various shots of the America s Pacific Fleet ready at sea. Various shots of the crowd waving fists in front of Japanese Embassy. Staff is burning official documents in the garden. Various shots of the American troops patrolling the streets of Washington. Various shots of the recruits queuing up and being sworn in. Long shot of San Francisco. Medium shot of a loud speaker. Several shots of the troops runn