The Obsessed Its Not OK ( Live at Freak Valley), Ripple Music 2023
The heavily anticipated new album, Gilded Sorrow, from doom legends The Obsessed will be out on Ripple Music February 16, 2024. This is the first single from the upcoming album, with a video from their performance at Freak Valley earlier this year. Enjoy It s Not OK and then preorder your copy of Gilded Sorrow from one of the links below US Customers Preorder physical copies EURO Customers Preorder your physical copy Or get your digital AND physical copies WORLDWIDE The Obsessed is: Scott Wino Weinrich Guitars, Vocals Jason Taylor Guitars Chris Angleberger Bass Brian Costantino Drums, Vocals The Obsessed on Bandcamp: The Obsessed on Facebook: The Obsessed on Instagram: Ripple Music Home: Ripple Music on Facebook: Ripple Music on Spotify: Ripple Music on Bandcamp: