Oldest Homo Sapiens found: Rewrites Modern man 2019 New info
A new find as they dig deeper into megalithic ( an ancient cave system in Morocco)to find a Homo Sapiens at some 300, 000BC, which rewrites the textbooks by a 1, 3 margin From close to 200, 000BC to now a modern man at 300, 000BC shows the Caucasoid origins in North Africa, and thier range seems to be expanding, with the Hoffmeyr Site in the Cape atv40, 000BC, Blombos Cave at the Sub Saharan tip at 1000, 0000BC, and the Ethiopian funds at some It seems early modern Caucasian man was all over primordial Africa some 295, 000 years before she a proto negroid shows in the fossil record, so LIKE. SHARE. SUB ME I