Indian Soldiers Funeral (1910 1918)
Indian soldiers funeral. Location of events unknown. Funeral of a French Colonial soldier killed in World War One. Probably Indian; from French India (just a few tiny spots in southern India); otherwise North African but we ll say Indian here. Opens w, man in long robes; rt. FG speaking a eulogy or prayer; as crowd listens; several other Indian men in front row. Brief shot people start to walk. Procession moves toward camera to left. French official walks in front of coffin. Indian pallbearers; carry coffin; followed by another man w, long white robe; combination turban, headdress; who looks more Arab. Various others; include French military men follow. GV brick street or yard outside building: Indians carry coffin out door; toward camera; between lines of people; mostly French. They set coffin down in courtyard; side view from camera coffin is draped w, French flag and has some long leaves across top. Closer shot of coffin; w, various mourners standing behind it. FILM A VIDEO FROM BR