The Bomb Professor Rajewsky Interviewed On Fall Out Danger (1961)
Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany (Western Germany). Long shot of a gathering with people rising from their seats and applauding. Shot of Hbomb mushroom. It dissolves to medium shot of batman waving in a Boeing 707 of Lufthansa Airlines. People leaving plane. Various shots of man using a small Geiger counter on fuselage and jet air intakes of the Boeing, measuring radioactivity. Various shots of workmen scrubbing fuselage and wings of Boeing with a soapy solution as it stands in hangar. Various shots of Professor Rajewsky, expert of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysics in Frankfurt, speaking on atomic bomb and its dangers no sound. Woman taking coat off to be xrayed. Man shows her deck chair inside machine where she sits. Man operating machine. MS. Two graphs showing radioactivity in human body before and after latest bomb tests with shot of explosion in the middle. Cut back to Professor Rajewsky speaking. Van with peculiar equipment drives along countryside, it stops and man starts