Jacob Colliers, IHarm U Vol. 3
Here s the third compilation of harmonised melodies from the, InMyRoomJC, IHarmU campaign All melodies received via Patreon between April 1stJuly 1st, 2016. Many more still to come , IHarmU Vol. 3 Listing: Ramsey Clark 0:03 Ethan Richmond 0:37 Boden Danya Lim 1:32 Federico Malaman 2:46 Aimee Nolte 3:17 Kike Santander 4:13 S. T. Zhang 4:37 Alyssa Smith 5:36 Hans, Kiki Gaku 6:05 Gigi Radics 6:45 Chloe Park 7:51 Scott Jang 8:41 Natasha Miller 9:28 Ellen Pels 9:57 Herbie Hancoc