The Man With The Upside Down Head, BORN DIFFERENT
SUBSCRIBE to Truly: MEET THE man who literally sees the world upside down because his neck is folded back on itself. Claudio Vieira de Oliveira, from Monte Santo in Brazil, was born with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), a rare genetic disease that causes joints in the body to become permanently fixed in a bent or straight position. At birth doctors told Claudios mother that he wouldnt survive for even 24 hours but Claudio, now 45, defied their predictions and has gone on to live a full life as a successful motivational speaker. Although Claudio requires his familys help with dressing, cooking and washing, he has adapted to life upside down, learning to use his phone with his mouth and walk with the help of special splints he straps beneath his legs. He s now the president of a nonprofit organisation alongside his best friend Adnilson who he considers his arms and legs that works with vulnerable children, giving them haircuts and clothes and giving them time and resou