Skating the Oceanside Hubba in 2023
This week we check out the Oceanside Hubba aka the Oside Hubba. We go over some history, skate the spot, and check out what else there is nearby to skate. This Hubba is huge in person and a lot of mind blowing tricks have gone down on it over the years This video features: Destin Dern destindern Kanaan Dern kanaandern Dalton Dern daltondern Alex Willms alexwillms Chris Weissmann crusty London Davis londondavis Nyjah Huston nyjah Corey Duffel coreyduffel Bobby Lunetta bobbylunetta Johnny Layton johnnylayton Colt Cannon coltybearz James Brockman hyenaface James Hardy bamahardy Garrett Hill garretthill Chris Cole chriscobracole Ryan Smith Gabriel Summers gabrielsummers1 Dane Burman daneburman Brian Hansen brianhansen Paul Hart paulhart Dashawn Jordan dashawnjordan Blake Carpenter blakecarpenter Adam Arunski adamarunski Figgy killerpizza Brandon Nielson hopoutmobber Gab