Public Space Wembley Stadium, England
In England, Wembley Stadium is more than just a stadium. It is a national symbol. When this worldfamous stadium underwent a facelift, LG stepped in to revamp the entrances with our digital displays, which included LED signage and many more. In addition, we replaced the old LED displays with the latest and most advanced digital signage. It s an honor to be part of a stadium where history is made every time an event takes place. Jump on the bandwagon of successful projects today. Contact us: Follow us on LinkedIn: Visit our website: , LGInformationDisplay, LGBusinessSolutions, LGID, LGCaseStudy, ReferenceCase, WembleyStadium, Wembley, PublicSpace, Public, Stadium, digitalsignage, innovation, LEDsignage, LGdigitalsignage, LGsignage, CaseStudy