LEGO Avengers Fight Super Villains , Marvel LEGO: Maximum Overload ( ALL EPISODES)
MARVEL LEGO Avengers: Maximum Overload ALL EPISODES Want more LEGO Avengers Click here: Out of a desire to gain the throne of Asgard, and a bit of boredom, Loki overloads the powers of various villains starting with Doc Ock. SpiderMan must defeat Doc Ock and Venom all while dealing with his teenage spiderangst. Meanwhile, Iron Man must keep the destruction caused by the Mandarins missiles and a fight between the Hulk and Abomination to a minimum. To defeat all these overloaded villains Earths Mightiest Heroes must band together to defeat Loki. Our intern Shelby asks, Do you think Hulk feels it when he steps on a LEGO , Avengers, SpiderMan, LEGO, MarvelSuperHeroes, MaximumOverload, Hulk, IronMan, BlackWidow, CaptainAmerica, Wolverine, Thor, NickFury, IronFirst, Falcon, Loki, DocOck, Mandarin, Venom, Abomination, SHIELD, StanLee, AvengersAssemble, Marvel, MarvelHQ