В. Иванова M. Glinka Romance
Виктория Иванова. Жаворонок (М. Глинка Н. Кукольник). Старинный русский романс. Запись из Малого зала Ленинградской филармонии, 1971 г. Victoria Ivanova. Zhavoronok (The Lark). Old Russian Romance (M. Glinka N. Kukolnik). Live recording from the Maly Hall of Leningrad Philharmonic, 1971. The paintings are by the Russian artists: Lev Kamenev, Ivan Shishkin, Yefim Volkov, Karl Briullov and Andrei Shilder. The Lark Between the sky and the earth a song is heard An unending stream of sound pours louder, louder. Unseen is the singer in the field where sings so loudly Above his mate the sonorous skylark. The wind carries the song, to whom, it does not know. She to whom it is sung, she will understand who it is from. Pour on, my song of sweet hope Someone remembers me and sighs furtively. Thanks to The Lied and Art Song Texts Page for the translation.