This 80s, 1 was NUTS Band Had to Sell 5 million to BREAK 20 million , Professor Of Rock
Coming up, its a landmark album that is all killer and no filler. Def Leppard Hysteria This 80s hard rock masterwork was so epic that not even two car crashes, the brave drummer who lost his arm, and millions of dollars of debt could stop it from dominating the airwaves. Actually, when todays band got started on it, they were intentionally trying to beat out the biggest selling album of all time. Michael Jackson Thriller, who actually kept their last album 1983s Pyromania out of, 1. But thats not all. Were also giving you the story behind its Top 10 title track, the Pink Floyd like power ballad Hysteria A song that perfectly sums up the magic that went into the making of this seminal record with A cameo interview part form lead singer Joe Elliot its the story of Gen Xs greatest 80s rock blockbuster. Thank you to this Episodes Sponsor, Zenni Optical Incredible Prices on New Glasses