Cardiovascular Examination Clinical Examination of the Heart
A successful cardiovascular exam includes visual examination, palpation of the apical impulse, auscultation of Erb s point, auscultation of the carotids, and auscultation over the four different heart valve locations (aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid, and mitral). Additionally, the radial pulse is palpated while auscultating to distinguish whether a murmur is diastolic or systolic. Video Index: 0:13 Inspection of the thorax 0:29 Palpation of the apex heart beat 0:59 Auscultation of the heart 1:16 Auscultation of the Erbs point 1:33 Using Erbs point to check the heart rate 1:45 Systolic and diastolic heart sound identification 2:01 Ascultating individual valves: aortic, pulmonary, tricuspid, mitral 2:41 Ascultation of the carotids 2:54 Ascultating the pulmonary and aortic valves 3:04 Ascultation of the mitral valve 3:16 Mitral valve murmurs Subscribe to AMBOSS YouTube for the latest clinical examination videos, medical student interviews, study tips and tricks, and live webinars Free 5 D