SFM Envelope
Important description stuffs ahoy. After nineteen months in development and five count em, FIVE catastrophic computer failures, I am pleased to present my latest Essefem short. I learned a lot while making this project, particularly in the field of audio design. Thus this video is offered in High Dynamic Range many volume and a good set of headphones are recommended. Music credits, in order: Grinspoon Signpost The Glitch Mob Animus Vox Drive A Are You Blind Dash s vocal performance and motioncapture courtesy of Zanna Nicole. A note on the wings. I started this project with the normal pony model, but I quickly ran into the same problem I had with my last video: the wings on the stock models just aren t expressive enough. The giant wings are a stylistic choice, and while they may look silly to those used to the normal pony models, it allows me to much better communicate Dash s intentions and manoeuvres, as well as the turbulence associated with highg aerobatics. I lament the lack of an ae