The Artist is Absent: Davey Wreden and The Beginners Guide
patreon: tumblr: twitter: transcript: Amanda Gay Watkins art: resources: SEMIOTICS A good place to start is Folding Ideas (really old) video on signs and memes: Here s a whole site on it when you wanna go more in depth: DEATH OF THE AUTHOR I d say the best place to start would be the essay Greatly Exaggerated by David Foster Wallace, but it s, sadly, not online. It s in this book: Here s a rundown of the essay: Here s Roland Barthes original essay that coined the phrase: And here s Michel Foucault s expansion of the theory: ENUNCIATION THEORY The best way to acquaint yourself with enunciation theory is to read through the glossary of Casetti s Inside the Gaze: here s an article on it: Laura Mandanas take on TBG: Liz Ryerson s take: Robert Yang s take: