Luxury taxi service Do you want to have a ride Weekly side mission NA Ser Sep18 24 Tower of Fantasy
NA Ser: Sep 18 Sep 24 0:00 Ignisville biographer (place device at Burnsly) 0:29 Ignisville Rong Jin (3 golden vein ointment) (252, 2513) 0:42 Well Statue Qin Ling (defeat clearway) 1:15 TianHe Bazaar Domain guard (defeat untamed) 1:41 Crouching tiger cave Zi Yan (find her brother in Ignisville Mansion) 2:29 Near Heart Statue Fu Yu (bamboo shoots) 2:41 Joltville Domain guard (find his wife) 3:12 Joltville Mansion Master Yu (blackflame censer) 3:25 Joltville Mansion Yu Lan (3 bone plaster) 3:36 Joltville Mansion Fu Li (titabalt longsword) 3:47 Joltville Liu Huo (take photo) 4:05 Mirafleur Hall Lin (Emerald Fan) 4:16 Hazardous Materials Lab Shelly (3 forging hammer) Check more 3. 2 TIPS here: 3. 2 Joltville Statue upgrade order How to unlock Arcanum Passage Joltville 5 ways to get Dominium