Why Didnt The Romans Strap Their Shields On Their Arms
The Romans used rectangular centre gripped shields for their citizen soldiers. Why did they not choose strapped on shields like they did in the Middle Ages Let s find out Check out my patreon page and if you like my content, please support me on patreon :) A Roman legion was the largest unit of the Roman army, consisting of centuries as the basic units. For most of the Roman Imperial period, the legions formed the Roman army s elite heavy infantry, recruited exclusively from Roman citizens, while the remainder of the army consisted of auxiliaries, who provided additional infantry and the vast majority of the Roman army s cavalry. A legion consisted of several cohorts of heavy infantry known as legionaries. It was almost always accompanied by one or more attached units of auxiliaries, who were not Roman citizens and provided cavalry, ranged troops and skirmishers to complement the legion s heavy infantry. From the time o