What happens when timer runs out during Arrival DLC ( Mass Effect 2)
Hmmm, I waited 51 hours for this. A weekend well spent I guess. Here are some interesting facts about this room. There are 6 windows, 151 floor tiles, 9 barrels (or whatever those things are called) and 2 double doors. Now look at this. If you multiply 6, 151 and 9 you will get 8, 154. Pretty high, right Divide it by 3 (because there are 3 games in the original trilogy) and the number is 1, 359. Let s add 1 and 3 to get 4 and than do the same with 5 and 9. This gives as 14. Multiply it by 2 (the number of doors) and BAM 28 Subtract 4 from that 28 and this will get us a sexy looking 24. But than what does it mean Well, if we were to write 20 before 24 we would get 2024. And that s it Mass Effect 5 will be release in 2024 Or it will not, cause I ve made all those number up. Gotta get better internet, so I m not bored when videos are being uploaded; ) This is modded Mass Effect 2 (2010) with a variety of mods installed. My current ME2 modlist is found here: