Ultimate Ruqyah to Expell the Magic Devils from the Veins Joints also Open the Knots of the Body
As salam o alaikum wa rahmatullah This is a very powerful and effective Ruqyah to Expell the Magic Devils from the Veins Joints also Open the Knots of the Body also expell the demons out of the body. This can cause different psychical diseases and problems Such as Severe pain in different parts of the body, heaviness, Burning of the body, poking neddle in different parts of the body it can also blood clots can cause paralysis and In severe Causes cancer in different parts of the body of the effected person. Listen to this Ruqyah daily 2 times a day in the Morning and evening daily regularly for 3 months by Making dua to Allah to remove all the knots lumps from the body and this kind of Black magic also the Evil Jinns to go patient must close his, her eyes and concentrate on in and should be played in loud voice. In sha Allah soon the Patient will see changes in his, her body and after 3 months of regular listening all the Evil will burn away and untie all the Knots in the bod