10 RUSSIAN songs youve heard but dont know the name
1. Korobeiniki (not Tetris Theme ) 2. Waltz No. 2 Shostakovich 3. The dying swan dance Tchaikovsky (piece of Tchaikovskie s Swan lake ballet) 4. I Am Glad, Cause I m Finally Returning Back Home (not Trololo ) 5. KalinkaMalinka Ivan Larionov ( guelderroseraspberry ) 6. Katyusha Matvey Blanter ( Catherine ) 7. Dance of the knights (piece of Romeo and Juliet ballet by Prokofiev) 8. Adagio Sostenuto piano concerto no. 2 Rachmaninov (not All by Myself ) 9. Gosudárstvennyy gimn Rossíyskoy Federátsii (Russian anthem) 10. Dorogoy dlinnoyu ( Along the long road )