LIVE STREAMED SEPT 9 TH. WE TRADE Liquid CME FUTURES, Currencies, Commodities, Bonds, Stocks and ETFs
Powered by Restream THIS WAS LIVE STREAMED SEPT 9TH. The key to comprehending this Global Financial matrix, lies in the realization that no Market is in isolation. All markets are connected in an intricate dynamic complex network where the slightest change in one market can set in motion a ripple effect of dramatic proportions around the Globe. So in the modern paradigm, markets must move collectively. Single trends for the market will arbitrage it into its proper place within the general scheme. And the tendency in the global Market where all individual market forces act in harmony with one another, is called Markets Transcendence. It is the point where all markets are one, frictionless markets, push and pull together as one living complex organism.