Jesse Pinkman Turns Down Walter Whites Offer, One Minute, Breaking Bad
Upset that his case has fallen apart as a result of the destruction of the mobile drug lab, Hank risks his career by attacking Jesse; worried that Jesse will talk, Walt offers him a chance to team up again in his new lab. Subscribe for exclusive content: Season Three Episode Seven: One Minute Episode Description: Hank s increasing volatility forces a confrontation with Jesse and trouble at work. Skyler pressures Walt to make a deal. Gus actions have severe consequences. Episode Overview: Though Jesse feels like hes dodged a bullet now that the RV has been destroyed, his relief is shortlived when an angry Hank shows up at his house looking for satisfaction. After a torrential fit of rage leaves Jesse bloodied and beaten, the problems his violent outburst cause at work force Hank to seek a lawyers advice. At the hospital where Jesse is being treated, Saul tells him that the assault is tantamount to a getoutofjail