りら メルヘル小惑星 踊ってみた Niconico Video sm38635474
Nice to meet you thirtyeight times My name is Rira As a result of wondering what it looks like an alien, I tried wearing a fluorescent color for the time being Space pattern manicure I couldn t see it (; ) But I applied it too loosely so don t put it up I was shooting myself, but I couldn t shoot at the angle of view I wanted to shoot, it was dark, it was far away, and there were many problems, but the editor was a genius and it became a video properly (; ; ) I would be grateful if you could comment Music head family sm31888799 Nanawo Akari Choreographer sm37945006 Crocodile Edit 326 (BBmitsuru) Thank you very much Rira (to a dreamlike place) Twitter: My list: mylist, 65588721 りら 04, 25, 2021 12:00 Views 616