Invincible Fairies, , Amy Hope Of Morning
I m sick, and I have zero energy. I m really down because I can t meet my boyfriend in a while so I just wanted to make a video with my favorite down song c: hope you ll like it , ,. Want to request Here s the colors I currently have: , ,. . Song: Hope Of Morning Artist: Icon For Hire Color Project: Invincible Fairies Requested by: Project By: BloomCia1997 Character, s: Bloom (and Sky ) Programs used: Sony Vegas 7. 0 CURRENT PROJECTS IN PROGRESS: Strawberry Drop, Melinda Serena I Like It Rough Request True Fairies, Juliette, Olivia Siera Applause Request Strawberry Drop, Serena You Fight Me Request Not Decided Yet, Roxy Do What You Want Oth