Teen Batti Char Raasta त न बत त च र र स त (1953), Full HD Movie, Karan Dewan, Sandhya
Watch Superhit Hindi Classic Film तन बतत चर रसत (1953) Watch, TeenBattiCharRaasta 1953, Classic Drama Movie. Starring Karan Dewan, Sandhya, Shashikala Sheila Ramani. Music by Shivram Krishna Written by Dewan Sharar Directed by Hari Walia Starring Karan Dewan, Sandhya, Shashikala, Sheila Ramani Music by Shivram Krishna Written by Dewan Sharar Synopsis Lala Gulabchand (Dewan Sharar), is a Punjabi and his wife is from Uttar Pradesh. They live at the corner of a crossroads with three lights and four roads. He is a firm believer in national unity and has had five of his six sons, each married to a girl from a different state; a Marathi, Sindhi, Bengali, Tamil and a Gujarati. His sixth son Ramesh (Karan Dewan), works in the press and is a writer and an artist. He is a bachelor but falls in love with a woman named Kokila whose singing he hears on the radio. He draws a portrait of Kokila from imagination just listening to her sing. Unbeknownst to him, Kokila, called Shyama (Sandhya), is the dark