Hanging: U. K. Capital Punishment Legislation (1940 s 1950 s), British Pathé
The era is the 1940s1950s, the topic is capital punishment. Watch as United Kingdom lawmakers and the British public mull over the consequences of capital punishment, which ultimately leads to its eventual abolition. For Archive Licensing Enquiries Visit: Explore Our Online Channel For FULL Documentaries, Fascinating Interviews Classic Movies: , BritishPathé, Crime, Legislation, CapitalPunishment Subscribe to the British Pathé YT Channel: (FILM IDs: THE LAWBREAKERS CRIME MONTH ON BRITISH PATHÉ (MARCH 2016): Newsreels of the Week: Hanging. Our final video for Crime Month looks at capital punishment newsreels documenting the public and political reaction to hanging throughout the 1940s and 1950s, showing the increasing doubts over capital punishment that led to its eventual abolition in the United Kingdom. Music: Black Vortex Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Comm