Baby flying fox has some Maggie time: this is Hungry Hippo
Hungry Hippo is a 7 week old orphan GreyHeaded FlyingFox who has been in care since she was 4 days old after her mother was electrocuted on powerlines and died. Our little vacuum cleaner can suction up a bottle in 25 seconds. She loves some Maggie time, some cuddles and massage. In no time she ll be grown up enough to go off to creche and release. When the hand raised babies are 3 months old, they go into a creche, where they join other orphans and form a group. At this stage they d be separating from this batty mums and be becoming more independent in the colony. In creche, at this age, they learn batty etiquette and how to live in a batty society. They shrug off their human mums and want to be with the other batties. When they are emotionally and physically ready, and uninjured, and around 45 months old, theyre put into a release cage under a colony and they can integrate into the colony and fly out with the wild bats. If they cant find enough food, they can always come b