French Post Punk, Coldwave Collection Vol1
A collection of 19 of my favorite coldwave postpunk songs from French bands. Lots of influence from gothrock, darkwave, synthwave, postrock, and other genres. Check out all of the bands here and listen to the rest of their music, it s worth it. 0:00 Elise Cabanes Loup Garou 2:59 Opéra De Nuit Ami Amant 6:35 A Sordid Poppy Inside The Line 12:01 The Umbrella Endless Bore 15:20 Opera de Nuit invitation 19:05 Ultimatome Repliquants 22:29 Curse Of The Vampire Nightmare 26:14 The Cemetary Girlz Reflection 30:13 Opéra De Nuit Possession 35:40 Meager Benefits No Regrets 37:58 Spleen XXX Her Hair 42:13 Night Train To Nowhere Fire In The Pandora s Box 45:39 Zero Divide Scénario 49:34 Passions Mortelles My Beautiful Dream 53:32 Opéra De Nuit Amour Noir 59:18 Berlin 38 Guerre après guerre 1:02:02 AVALE Béton armé 1:04:54 Jeff Clark s Romeo And Juliet None of this content is mine, nor do I claim it to be. I have only compiled and edited it together. A couple pictures are mi