I Could If I Wanted To (feat. Santino Fontana)
Written by Jack Dolgen Greg: Whoopty fricken doo. An A What s an A It s just a letter on A page meant to distract us From the pain But it s not like any A can make A difference in the day. Sure I Could get an A if I wanted to get An A. But who cares about an A I don t, I don t care. Although I could have made that grade if I did care. But I don t. But I could If I wanted to. Whoopty fricken doo. Look at This guy in the red and blue Striped tie. Making millions Till he dies. Selling bonds and Stocks to other guys in ties, who Have millions with which to buy A bunch of bonds of stocks And ties. I d rather die, which I will Eventually, of course. But in The meantime, I could make Millions selling stocks and bonds And ties if I tried. But I don t. But I could, but I don t. But I could if I wanted to. Yeah. Yeah I could if I want toooo. Who cares. Whoopty fricken doo. A happy Dad, with his big dad calves and His stupid baseball cap. And his Tball shirt and dumb ass son Throwi