Turn on this video on the big screen and keep going about your business, relaxing, doing sports, working or you are in the kitchen, it does not matter, this picture can always be with you filling you with soothing relaxation will relieve stress from you, remove depression help you fall asleep, or meditate, you can list endlessly. and fill you with hormones of happiness. And if you need music, turn it on separately according to your taste. Get what you just need. I turn on these beautiful natural pictures of nature even on my smartphone when I am in a place where the big screen is not available. Have a good mood. G. M. GEORGE AND MATT Erbach im Odenwald I create all of my own content. Videos and Audio are recorded out in the field by myself. On rare occasions, I transform materials provided by other creators with their approval into a new and unique creation. I am an experienced Nature Videographer Sound Recordist. I travel the worl